Quick Facts
The Jade Forest
  1. Unleash Hell
  2. The King's Command
  3. The Mission
  4. Touching Ground
  5. No Plan Survives Contact with the Enemy
  6. Welcome Wagons
  7. The Right Tool For The Job
  8. Envoy of the Alliance
  9. The Cost of War
  10. Pillaging Peons
  11. Critical Condition
  12. Priorities!
  13. Koukou's Rampage
  14. Twinspire Keep
  15. Fractured Forces
  16. Smoke Before Fire
  17. Unfair Trade
  18. The Fall of Ga'trul
  19. Onward and Inward
  20. Hozen Aren't Your Friends, Hozen Are Your Enemies
  21. The White Pawn
  22. The Missing Admiral
  23. The Path of War
  24. Freeing Our Brothers
  25. Explosive Evidence
  26. Ancient Power
  27. Without a Trace
  28. Kung Din
  29. Jailbreak
  30. The Pearlfin Situation
  31. Road Rations
  32. The Elder's Instruments
  33. Family Heirlooms
  34. Spirits of the Water
  35. SI:7 Report: Lost in the Woods
  36. SI:7 Report: Fire From the Sky
  37. SI:7 Report: Hostile Natives
  38. Trail of the White Pawn
  39. SI:7 Report: Take No Prisoners
  40. A Perfect Match
  41. Bigger Fish to Fry
  42. The Scouts Return
  43. Let Them Burn
  44. Carp Diem
  45. Seek Out the Lorewalker
  46. Borrowed Brew
  47. A Visit with Lorewalker Cho
  48. Potency
  49. Body
  50. Hue
  51. Finding Your Center
  52. Sacred Waters
  53. Rest in Peace
  54. An Ancient Legend
  55. Anduin's Decision
  56. In Search of Wisdom
  57. Welcome to Dawn's Blossom
  58. The Double Hozen Dare
  59. The Threads that Stick
  60. The Silkwood Road
  61. Find the Boy
  62. Shrine of the Dawn
  63. Quill of Stingers
  64. The Perfect Color
  65. Getting Permission
  66. The Jade Witch
  67. Down Kitty!
  68. All We Can Spare
  69. I Have No Jade And I Must Scream
  70. Calamity Jade
  71. Mann's Man
  72. Trapped!
  73. What's Mined Is Yours
  74. The Serpent's Heart
  75. Love's Labor
  76. The Temple of the Jade Serpent
  77. The Scryer's Dilemma
  78. A New Vision
  79. The Librarian's Quandary
  80. Pages of History
  81. Moth-Ridden
  82. Everything In Its Place
  83. The Rider's Bind
  84. Lighting Up the Sky
  85. The Jade Serpent
  86. Get Back Here!
  87. An Unexpected Advantage
  88. Helping the Cause
  89. Last Piece of the Puzzle
  90. The Seal is Broken
  91. Residual Fallout
  92. Jaded Heart
  93. Emergency Response
  94. Moving On


Kill Mist Creepers until a Mist Horror appears, then collect a Mist Horror Heart.
Mist Creeper slain (8)
Mist Horror Heart (1)


To make the Dream Brew, we will need several ingredients.

First, to improve its strength, I will need an ingredient from a fearsome creature, the legendary Mist Horror.

It is said that this creature only appears where the fog is deepest.

North and east of here, you will find smaller Mist Creepers roaming the swamps. Kill these creatures until the Mist Horror appears, and then bring me its heart.




You will receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29891))

