Quick Facts

Avocation of Antonidas

Recover the three discs of Antonidas' unfinished project and return them to Kalec in your order hall. Speak to Archmage John Nicholas in Northrend, at the Purple Parlor about the Tri-Disc of the Arcane. Speak with Khadgar about the Tri-Disc of Fire. And speak with Archmage Cedric near the Dalaran Crater about the Tri-Disc of Frost.
Tri-Disc of Fire (1)
Tri-Disc of Frost (1)
Tri-Disc of the Arcane (1)
Archmage John Nicholas slain (1)


Archmage, I've found something you may be interested in. An old journal of the late Archmage, Antonidas. In it, he speaks of a project he was working on that I think we may be able to finish.

It was a sort of flying disc that could attune itself to the rider's magical attunement.

But I need your help tracking down the pieces. From what I could gather, he gave them to trusted friends and allies through the years. Perhaps you could persuade them to give us the pieces.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(45802))

