Quick Facts

Assault on the Gorian Proving Grounds

This quest is no longer available within the game.
Take out as many Shadowmoon orcs and their Void minions as you can.


Dominate the Gorian Proving Grounds (1)


Defeat Minus Enemies  (25) (1)


Defeat Tier 1 Enemies  (13) (1)


Defeat - Elite  (9) (1)


Defeat - Vignette / Rare Elite  (4) (1)


Defeat - Vignette  (2) (1)
Ogre Cage Tracker (100000)
Release the Slaves (25)


[PH]Commander! You just missed a group of rangari with some disturbing news. The Shadowmoon Orcs have been spotted in the hills above Anguish Fortress. The scouts reported seeing strange rituals and beings of pure darkness. Those orcs must be up there trying to summon more minions from the Void!

If we do not intervene all we have gained in Shadowmoon Valley might be lost!


You will receive:
Apexis Crystal


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(36820))

