Quick Facts

Destroy Diggers [PH]

This quest was marked obsolete by Blizzard and cannot be obtained or completed.
Collect 6 Solidified Goren Spit Samples from the Jorune Quarry.
Iron Horde Digger [PH] destroyed (4)


This goren attack was horrible, but maybe we can learn from them. Maybe we can use this tragedy to our benefit.

The goren's primary weapon is a metal melting spit. You'll need to be careful in there, lest you loose that shiny armor!

It would be too dangerous to collect it when it's fresh, but maybe once it's solidified...

See if you can bring me a few samples.

If my hypothesis is correct we may be able to weaponize it against the Iron Horde.


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See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(33877))

